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 Welcome to The New Destiny of an Emperor Forum!

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Liu Meng Xuande
Liu Meng Xuande

Male Number of posts : 190
Age : 36
Location : Cheng Du
Job : Emperor
Other interests : Filmmaking, and other stuff.
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Your character
Name: Liu Meng Xuande
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PostSubject: Welcome to The New Destiny of an Emperor Forum!   Welcome to The New Destiny of an Emperor Forum! Icon_minitimeSat May 26, 2007 10:14 am

Well, this is a first to me, members have already joined before even the first post is made!

This forum is mostly dedicated to the fan-made game by Multimix Studios called: The New Destiny of an Emperor, or Project Confidential.

Here we accept anyone, as long as they follow the rules!

Also, if you need to know what are the controls for the game, just look at the FAQ for more or less useful questions (The top ones I made myself!)

Enjoy your time here, and stay tuned for updates!

~Liu Meng Xuande

P.S. If some selected persons join this forum, they will automatically be attributed with special ranks!!!
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